Thursday, February 19, 2009

Coral Cruiser

Main Idea:to feed hungry sea anenomes food without losing all your lives for as many points as possible

You have to keep feeding sea anenomes because if the bar on the bottom runs out of red you lose a life. Watch out for shells,shipwrecks,and sometimes vines because if you hit them you will lose a life. On the high levels when the shark comes get close to him and just keep clicking and he will eventually go away. Tank keeps getting faster each level so be sure to throw the food to the sea anenomes from farther distances.

Trophy Score:40,000 Access to game room:45,000 Insane score for manta dreamer:72,050


  1. that game is soooooooooooooooo hard

  2. To me it's really fun and easy. My highest score was 240,300!

  3. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow p.s. I made a new post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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