Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rock Em,Sock Em,Sprocket

Main Idea:to get through all nine levels without losing all your lives for as many points as possible

To do a powerful uppercut click and hold your cursor until your power meter(top middle)fills up then let go. To keep dodging and doing hooks at the same time just keep moving your cursor side to side and keep clicking. It may be vulnerable to do uppercuts when fighting the very rare sprocket.

Trophy Score:3,800 Access to game room:4,400 Insane score for painful night's sleep:5,000

Scoop Stacker

Main Idea:to add together numbers of scoops into a stacks of 21 without doing more for as many points as possibble
When you're stuck and you have to get busted try putting down the number of scoops on the cone with the most scoops.(Same with the bonus scoops.)At the top left it will tell you what the next number of scoops to put down is. Try not to put scoops on a cone until one more scoop is needed,because then all you could get for that is a bonus scoop. Bonus scoops are a number of scoops that automaticly add up to 21 scoops.(You can tell when a bonus scoop is coming when there is a sparkle st the top left.)
Trophy Score:3,500 Access to game room:4,000 Insane score for neapolitan beanbag:4,600

Coral Cruiser

Main Idea:to feed hungry sea anenomes food without losing all your lives for as many points as possible

You have to keep feeding sea anenomes because if the bar on the bottom runs out of red you lose a life. Watch out for shells,shipwrecks,and sometimes vines because if you hit them you will lose a life. On the high levels when the shark comes get close to him and just keep clicking and he will eventually go away. Tank keeps getting faster each level so be sure to throw the food to the sea anenomes from farther distances.

Trophy Score:40,000 Access to game room:45,000 Insane score for manta dreamer:72,050

Dot Shot

Main Idea:to score 7 goals before your opponent scores 7

This game is basicly the same as air hockey. To stop the puck click when the puck is right under your ladybug. You automaticly win if you have more points than your opponent when the timer runs out. Your team is always the red team.
Trophy score:7 Access to game room and Air hockey Table:7 without your opponent scoring once Insane score for bugmobile: 7

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