Sunday, September 20, 2009

Anyone That's Listening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know why, but right it seems a bit like not so many people are interested in blogger now. A few months ago almost everyone was posting and commenting away like crazy, but now not so many people are really posting or going online so much. I'm determined to keep posting as much as I did when I started blogger! Who's with me!?!?!?!?

Friday, June 5, 2009

"STILL" a Problem

When I click on the ubfunkeys icon it still only goes on administrator.  My mom and I have called technical support many times and they still can't help. Can someone please give me some advice ? I may have to staart a new account and I've got every trophy and almost every gem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Two New Funk Pets Availible!

Gunk (left) is 12 Funk Cash.

Dumm (above) is 10 Funk Cash.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Following Blogs

A lot of people are asking for other people to follow their blogs so please comment if you want me to follow your blog.

New Funk Pets!

I'm looking for new ideas for funk pets and I myself is still making them! Show it to me, I'll post it, and I'll put a poll up if we should exept it or not!

Funk Cash!

Now I'm gonna start having FC on my blog I liked the idea so much! Here is the first task: Who is this charactor? The prize is 10 FC. Note: The picture is majorly contrasted.
Bn28 said: Yang

Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Funk Pet For FFM!!!!!!

Here is one of my idea for a funk pet for FFM, his name is gunk!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Thanks to fWyCDz5zqvKebMz3W, the strange creature dude, Noah, bones111, jackcanenball talyor, UBF Blogger Mom, henchman007, coolfunkey6652, epaez, Bn28, funk king, Fire500, funkeyman, Gorst, Roco, Xxmcho04xX, Onewa80, Steven (Comic Guy), jairo m., FFM, Me(Shel2), carabu, obsessedfunkey, and candy bar for following my blog!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Funk King Might Come Back!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Last Post for a While :'(

This is the last post for a while because one of my best friends on blogger (Funk King) just quit blogging so I am too.

Stick Figure Family

Glitter Text
Make your own Glitter Graphics

Do You Like My Blog?

I did not do that one that says I should post more.>:( It's supposed to say "Do you like my blog?".

Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Template

You have probably noticed that I have a new template now. I put up a poll to see if anyone wanted this template the way it is, change it back to the one I had before, do a different one, or a random choice. If everyone chooses that they don't care, I will keep this template. If most people want to change it then I will delete this post. It's all up to you guys.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Problem on U.B.Funkeys

For some reason when I try to go on U.B.Funkeys it only lets me go on administrator, and I only can make a new administrator account which "Radica" says will mess up all the updates. Can anyone help me?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Small Update!!!!!!!!!!

There's something new on ubfunkeys!!!!!!!!!!!! That might mean that there will be more new things!!!!!!!!! Thanks to roco for noticing the change! Visit his blog "Funkeys Fun"at:!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Sorry that I haven't done many posts in a while! There's just not really anything new on U.B.Funkeys and I'm getting kinda bored! I'm also not really blogging so much because I just got a new video game called "Sonic Heroes". Also no one has really been commenting on anyone's blogs so much these days, so I'm not really posting much at this time.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

New Four Adventure Packs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I'm getting a hidden realm, dream state, royalton racing complex and funkeystown adventure packs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're coming from japan because my friend went there!!!!!!!!!!!!! He saw it at some fair, so he got it. But we had to pay a lot for shipping, and it's not coming in a long time. I just can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funk-Jongg Contest!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, we're having a contest for the game Funk-Jongg! The goal is to get the highest score on this game. To prove the score you got, you have to have a picture of the score you got. It will start from April 20th to the beginning ofJune.Good luck!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Funkey Families

Bn28's Funkey Collection
Bones111's Funkey Collection

Mfunk04/mcho04's Funkey Collection

Dillon W's Funkey Collection

Wench05's Funkey Collection

Lilaq's Funkey Collection

Zoomix's Funkey Collection UBF Blogger Mom's Funkey Collection

(If you have a funkey family photo, show it to me and I'll post it)

Monday, April 6, 2009


Main Idea: to hit all of the black pegs with the fish without running out of balls for as many points as possible

On level three you can just aim right at the black pegs because all you have are yellow balls and they shoot through everything. Bouncing off the side may become helpful if there are pink pegs in the way. Dragons and ships give you a lot of points when you hit them but the ball disappears when you do, so if you're low on balls it might be a good idea not to hit them.(You know how many balls you have left by looking at the bar at the left)
Trophy Score: 92,000 Access to game room and sparring dummy: 75,050
Insane score item: unavailable

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fly Catcher

Main Idea: to capture flies without the flies crossing your webline for as many points as possible

It doesn't time you so you can take as long as you want to complete a round. Red bonuses allow you to freely go across without the flies moving, and green bonuses make webley go faster.When a fly touches your webline there will be a red line. If that red line touches you then you lose a life.
Trophy Score: 4,000 Access to game room: 4,800 Insane score for spider monkey: 5,100

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jongg Challange

Main Idea: to keep getting matches for more points than your opponent

On the top left it will tell you the value of each tile. If you're playing single player, your opponent doesn't usually pick time bonuses unless it is the last match possible. Freezes allow you to look for matches but you cannot get one. You will lose a life if you don't get a match in your amount of time.

Trophy Score: 6,000 Access to game room: 4,500 Insane score for dyer jongg tile: 7,000

Monday, March 9, 2009

Perplexing Paths

Main Idea: to find the right path to the portal while getting the gardening tools for as many points as possible

You get points by going over a pink square. Birch trees allow you to jump to the other tree when you step on it. Looking for the right path before moving may be helpful. Green squares are just like pink squares but they allow you to go over them two times before they dissapear.

Trophy Score: 4,500 Access to game room: 6,500 Insane score for noctomatoes: 7,000

My Crib

My Garage

My Living Room

This post was for ubfunkeysblog's crib contest.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hidden Realm

This is a picture of everyone first noticing the airship in a long time.
This is a picture of the airship going to the Hidden Realm.

Here's a picture of me in the Hidden Realm.

Intro: Welcome to the Hidden Realm

This is when Kane says the intro at the first time I went to the Hidden realm. Check out the pictures I've took of the intro when I reviewed the intro in my game room! (Some of these pictures are for spoilers, if you want to find them out yourself then only look at the first eight pictures)

Kane warns you that it is going to get a lot rougher.
He tells you about the fiercest funkeys ever, the oni.

He tells you the history of the Hidden Realm, and how everyone there thought that they were the only funkeys that survived after the great funkey wars.

He tells you how he thinks it's okay that you come to the Hidden Realm on the air ship, but he won't let you into the oni dojo if you're not a selected fighter.

Intro: The Gates are Closed

This is the intro when Kane tells you that the gates are closed and how king sidd made them.

Kane tells you how him and the other oni have tried hitting the gates a lot but they couldn't get the gates open.
He tells you how he doesn't get why king sidd wanted to take a look around and made the path of enlightenment.

Kane tells you how king sidd came back a changed funkey and made the path of enlightenment. He also tells you how he knows how to open the gates but king sidd said you must learn enlightenment.

This is the intro when you click on king sidd after reaching the path of enlightenment. Enjoy!

This is when I defeated Hidden Realm by getting every trophy for funkey fighters(Hidden Realm game) and then betting with Kane but instead seeing the intro of defeating Hidden Realm.

Kane notices that you've been practicing.

Kane gives you a moon shaped gem that king sidd gave to him, but it makes his head itch so he gives it to you.

Some More Awesome U.B.Funkeys Blogs